Geosciences 2024
2024年05月07日 - 2024年05月08日
- 領域
Sections - 議題編號
Sessions No - 議題
- ER - Energy and Resource
- ER1
- 天然資源與能源研究
Natural Resources and Energy
- ER - Energy and Resource
- ER2
- 溫泉與地熱能源
Hot Springs and Geothermal Energy
- ER - Energy and Resource
- ER3
- 地熱潛能場址之調查與研究分享
Survey and Research Sharing of Geothermal Potential Sites
- ER - Energy and Resource
- ER4
- 碳封存與地質處置場址調查
Survey and Research of CCS and Geological Disposal Sites
- M - Multidisciplinary Theme
- M2
- 多維尺度地物與地化之孕震過程觀測
Multidimensional Geophysical and Geochemical Observations for Earthquake Generation Process
- M - Multidisciplinary Theme
- M3
- 臺灣西南部構造活動及其社經影響
Active structures in Southwestern Taiwan and Their Socio-Economic Impact
- M - Multidisciplinary Theme
- M4
- MiDAS 米崙科學鑽探與光纖相關前沿應用
MiDAS scientific drilling and relevant advanced optical-fiber applications
- M - Multidisciplinary Theme
- M5
- 氣候變遷下的陸海交互作用觀測
OBTAIN-ucc: OBservatory for Terra-Aqua INteractions under climate changes
- CR
- 亞洲地體構造演化整合研究
Comprehensive Research on Asian Tectonic Evolution
- TT - Taiwan Tectonics
- TT
- 臺灣之地質構造與環境變遷
Geological Structure and Environmental Change in Taiwan